
Represents a docker container.

Name for this container.

Image to use for this container.

List of container links, of the format source:target. E.g:

 links = ["postgres:pg_container"]

Note that you may wish the target to be a container ID so that if it changes then this container is also correctly re-created. E.g:

 links = ["postgres:docker_container('pg_container').id"]

List of ports to map. E.g:

 ports { internal: 123
         external: 123

## DockerContainerPort Created by magnayn on 04/09/2016.

Data volumes / host directory mappings to place into the container

## DockerContainerVolume Represent a container volume mapping.

Hosts to add to the container DNS

## DockerContainerHost

Array of parameters to pass as the command for the container.

Restart strategy (‘always’, ‘on-failure’, ‘unless-stopped’)

Publish all exported ports

Net, Host, etc

List of capabilities to expose